NV School District
3326 East Badger Rd
Everson, WA 98247
PO Box 4307
Nooksack, WA 98276
Phone: (360) 988-4754
Fax: (360) 988-8983
Safety Reporting and Tip Line: Students, parents or community members who have information, tips, or concerns regarding a safety issue in our schools are encouraged to text or call 360-543-4819 or visit nooksack-wa.safeschoolsalert for confidential, anonymous, two-way communication with our safety staff.
Matt Galley |
Megan Vigre |
Kim McGee |
Tom Harmon
District Office Staff
Yesenia Cisneros |
Marta Johnston |
Carol Lagasse |
Marsha McInnis |
Melissa Paulus |
Melissa Phillips |
Doreen Vermeulen |